Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Pillars of Destiny by David O. Oyedepo Book (Success Pillar) Summary

Success in life is a life-long adventure, as no one actually graduates from the school of success. We all have equal opportunities to succeed in life, but for you to have good success, one that is true and lasting; it must be rooted in God and His Word. It is God who gives success and the grace to enjoy it as well. That is why a truly successful person is not only successful in the works of his hands, but also in his family, health, mentality, etc., and so a discovery of what true success is and how to achieve it will put you on the right road to good success.
  • Success is satisfactory realization of a given goal or set objectives
  • Success is not a destination nor a function of position or possession, but a function of fulfillment in life.
  • True success is accomplished stewardship towards God and men, serving God's purpose and promoting mankind's welfare on earth - Luke 22:25-27
  • It is not merely about getting results, but about getting results in successions, one result after another; unlimited success - Psalm 92:14
  • The attainment of success begins with a discovery from the right source - Joshua 1:8, Deuteronomy 28:1
You can never be fulfilled until you locate and begin to pursue God's purpose for your life. Luke 4:18-19 defines Jesus Christ purpose on earth. He kept to it all through His days of earthly ministry
Three avenues through which you could locate God's purpose for your life are:
  • Calling - this is a divine revelation that defines God's purpose for your life - 1 Thessalonians 5:24
  • Gifting - this is when you discover the natural endowments inherent in you, the productive abilities that flow out of you naturally - Mathew 25:14-15
  • Choices - the power of your choice in locating God's purpose for your life covers areas like academics, business, professional practices, but not ministry which is strictly by divine calling - Deuteronomy 30:19
  • Information is power and a very great asset in the world of success
  • You must be informed in order to be transformed
  • The value you place on information determines the level of transformation you will enjoy
  • To be a resounding success on earth, you need a working knowledge of your assignment, no matter what it is.
  • Reading is the most effective avenue for information acquisition - 2 Timothy 2:15, 1 Timothy 4:13,15
  • The quality of information that finds its way into your mind determines the quality of your mind.
  • Great minds are not born, they are personally developed.
  • Every reader is a successful leader and every successful leader is an avid reader
  • Favour - Success is a direct function of divine favour (Psalm 44:3) and it can be provoked by being kingdom- minded (Psalm 102:13-14) and by entreating for it (Psalm 45:12) through favour provoking seeds and showing favour to others.
  • Gratitude - it makes you walk perpetually in favour - Malachi 2:1-2
  • Goal - success begins with having a goal; that is a defined target - John 18:37
  • Good understanding - you must have a good grasp of the details involved in achieving your goal - Proverbs 13:15
  • Growth - your level of mental maturity determines your placement in the race of life, as you don't take command until you are certified matured enough for the position - Hebrews 5:14
  • Grinding - this is the investment of time, energy and resources into the goals you believe in - Proverbs 13:4
  • Gaining - profit is the motivation of hard work (Proverbs 14:23) and to retain the profits, you have to embrace change
  • Challenges - there is no free-way in the pursuit of any goal. So, expect challenges, which can come in the form of mockery, oppositions and persecutions (Mark 10:29-30) and be ready to confront them.
  • Every true and lasting success in the kingdom is traceable to divine guidance - Genesis 12:1-3
  • Hard work alone is no guarantee for true and lasting success - Psalm 127:1-2
  • When you are divinely guided, God goes before you to make crooked paths straight - Isaiah 45:1-3
  • You enjoy the ministry of the angels when you are divinely guidance - Exodus 23:20
  • God is committed to ensuring the success of whatever He directs you to do - 1 Thessalonians 5:24
  • The unique characteristics of divine guidance include: peace, ease, strength and liberty - Psalm 85:5, Psalm 25:12, judges 6:14, 2 Corinthians 3:17
  • To secure divine guidance you need the help of the Holy Spirit via your spirit and you need to be joyful, still, prayerful and watchful- Romans 8:16, Isaiah 30:29-31, Psalm 46:10, Psalm 32:6, Habakkuk 2:2
  • Opportunity is a discovered avenue for profiting
  • It is locating what will work and making it work - Ecclesiastes 9:10
  • A wise man said, "Opportunity is missed by many because it is dressed in overalls that look like work."
  • You locate opportunities by searching for one, creating one or by catching one - Matthew 7:7
  • Endurance is the price you pay to ascend your throne, as everything precious comes out of pressure - Proverbs 27:21
  • It takes a great price to secure a great destiny - Luke 14:28
  • Don't give up in the middle of the race, you must endure to the end in order to win the prize
Success or divine lifting is not so much a function of what to do, but a function of what to be. The quality of your character is the foundation for how great your future will be.
What should you BE to qualify for lasting success?
  • Be strong - Joshua 1:6-7,9
  • Be meek - Numbers 12:3
  • Be faithful - Matthew 25:21
  • Be grateful - Psalm 92:1

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