Wednesday, 9 November 2016

How Much Car Insurance and Loan Do You Need?

Loan Your auto insurance is a collection of different policies that cover you in different ways. Here’s how they break down: loan

• Liability coverage – These policies help cover liability and expenses when you’re at fault in and accident. The money will go to the people you hit, but it won’t cover the people in your car. loan
How much does travel insurance cost? and loan - 4:31:00 PM EDUCATION Answer: Travel insurance vacation plans cost between 4-8% of the total trip cost. loan Here’s an example: oan If your cruise costs $4,000, a travel insurance plan would cost between $160-$320. Remember, loan this is the general range but keep in mind that basic ‘budget’ plans can be less than 4%, and premium plans can be loan over 12% of the trip cost (any expenses that are pre-paid and non-refundable) The cost of travel insurance is based on factors. loan
• Bodily Injury Liability (BIL) – This loan policy pays for the medical expenses of people injured in a crash in which you’re at fault. loan You’ll often see BIL policies described as a “20/50” policy or a “100/300” policy. These numbers describe the maximum dollar amount the policy  loan will pay for a single person’s injuries and the maximum for all the injuries sustained by all the occupants of the other car. For example, a 20/50 policy will pay a maximum of $20,000 for a loan single person’s injuries, and up to $50,000 total for the injuries of everyone in the car you hit. loan

• Property Damage loan Liability – This policy pays for damage done loan to the other car if you’re at fault in an accident. Property liability is sometimes referred to alongside BIL as a third number, so a 20/50/10 liability package will cover up to $10,000 for damages to the other car.

Loan The following policies cover you and your card in an accident: loan
• Personal Injury Protection (PIP) – This covers your and your passengers’ medical expenses after an accident. If you lose time at work because of your injuries, loan this policy may also cover lost wages.

• Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage – This helps cover costs if you are hit by someone without insurance, or minimal coverage. loan

• Collision – This policy covers repairs to your car after an accident. loan

• Comprehensive – This policy covers costs if your car is stolen or damaged outside of an accident. loan


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