Monday, 15 June 2015

4 Dating Tips For Shy Men

The society doesn't expect men to be shy, but the bitter truth is that there are very many shy men out there. Are you a shy man who is having trouble getting the lady of your dreams? Here are some dating tips that you should put into action:
Be Outgoing
You can't find the lady of your dreams in your coach-you need to go out. Best places to meet interesting ladies include: churches, bars and other social gatherings. As a shy guy, chances are that you aren't an outgoing person; therefore, you need to make changes into our life and be outgoing.
The best way of going about it is going out at least every Friday night. During the night you should avoid staying with your friends-you should make an effort of meeting two or three new people. Remember that your words don't need to be deep and meaningful-they only need to be interactive.
Work On Your Body Language
Did you know that 80% of conversation is non-verbal? To prevent people from dismissing you as a useless shy guy you need to display strong, confident body language. As rule of thumb you should avoid slouching or staring at the ground. When talking to women always smile and look them in the eye.
Find Outgoing Friends
Friends are of great influence in our lives. To be outgoing you need to have outgoing friends. All you need to do is to find some of your trusted friends and go out with them. The benefits of making friendship with outgoing friends is that the friends will tell you when there is an exciting event happening.
They will also help you in loosening a bit when interacting with people. Since outgoing people are good with people, they will teach you how to interact with different types of people.
Go For It
As a shy person it's easy to be fearful and run away from a lady that you might be interested in. To be on the safe side you should avoid succumbing to fear. If you come across an interesting lady you should make the decision of approaching and speaking to her. You should go to her, stand tall, and maintain a positive attitude regardless of how she reacts.
These are the tips that you should put into consideration as a shy guy. Remember that not every girl you talk to will respond to you positively; therefore, you shouldn't take it personally when you are ignored.

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